10 Benefits of Fish Oil

10 Benefits of Fish Oil

by Coach Debbie



I take a lot of supplements.  A lot




While I wish that nutrition alone was enough to have optimal health, that is simply not the case these days.  Diet is the absolute #1 factor in our health; that’s why the word “supplement” makes sense, because they are something that enhances


We live in a world with eroding topsoil, industrial farming, environmental toxins, chronic stress, lack of sunlight, and processed foods.  Because of that, we take supplements to compensate. 


When asked by women which supplements to take, one of the must-haves is fish oil.  It’s so important that I make my kids take it daily as well (it’s an orange flavored squeeze packet).




Fish oil is the fat extracted from fish tissue.  Omega-3 fatty acids are a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are essential to human health for certain vital functions and benefits.  Since the human body itself cannot produce these essential fats, these nutrients must be obtained from diet or supplementation.


Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids in case you don’t eat a lot of oily fish (tuna, salmon, anchovies, mackerel, cod liver oil).  30% of fish oil is omega-3s, 70% other fats, and sometimes vitamins A & D.


What are the 10 benefits of FISH OIL?


Keep in mind that research is always changing with ongoing studies.  Because of that, here are the potential benefits of fish oil.


  1. May support heart health (lower rate of heart disease due to improved cholesterol, decreased triglycerides, reduced blood pressure, plaque prevention)


  1. May improve mental health (like psychotic disorders, depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, and bipolar disorder)


  1. May reduce inflammation (which could help with menstrual pain, obesity, diabetes, depression, and heart disease) and also reduce joint pain and stiffness


  1. May support healthy skin (like psoriasis and dermatitis)


  1. May support pregnancy and infant’s early life (since omega-3s are essential for early growth and development) (may improve fetal brain development, infant visual development, and reduced risk of allergies)


  1. May improve attention and hyperactivity in children (since3 omega-3s make up a significant proportion of the brain, and ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition)


  1. May improve liver function and inflammation, reducing liver fat and liver disease


  1. May assist weight loss due to lessening inflammation and stimulating areas of the brain that control food intake


  1. May improve asthma symptoms and allergy risk (by reducing inflammation)


  1. May help you stay fit (since the good fats help stimulate muscle protein growth and improve muscle mass)



What to take:


WHO recommends a daily intake of 1.1–1.6 grams (1,100–1,600 mg) of omega-3 fatty acids. However, it may be necessary to increase the dosage if you are pregnant, nursing, or at risk of heart disease.


Choose a supplement that contains at least 500 mg of EPA and DHA per 1,000 mg of fish oil.


Choose a supplement that is third-party tested or has a seal of purity from the Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s (GOED).


Omega-3 fatty acids are prone to oxidation, which makes them go rancid.  To avoid this, you can choose a supplement that contains an antioxidant, like vitamin E. Also, keep your supplements away from light — ideally in the refrigerator.


Choose a fish oil supplement that has a sustainability certification, such as from the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) or the Environmental Defense Fund.


Other dietary fats can improve your absorption of omega-3 fatty acids; it’s best to take your fish oil supplement with a meal that contains fat.


Fish oil can interact with some prescriptions, so consult with your doctor first.


I personally use Barlean’s brand, while my kids use Coromega orange-flavored squeeze packets.

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