by Coach Debbie
Here’s how to fix the perfect shake!
- Pick your liquid. Almond milk, cashew milk, coconut milk, plant milk, chilled coffee, water, coconut water, or freshly squeezed juice. Use 1-2 cups per person.
- Pick your protein powder.
Mom Fuel is dairy-free, high protein, low carb, natural, and even has collagen. Use 1 scoop per adult (1/2 scoop for each kid).
- Pick your veggies. Spinach, kale, and frozen riced cauliflower will deliver nutrients, but you won’t feel like you’re chewing a salad. Use a fistful per person (you won’t taste the veggies).
- Pick your fruits. Go with fresh or frozen, but limit to ¾ cup per person.
- Pick your fats/proteins. Nut butters, nuts, seeds, coconut flakes/oil, avocado. Aim for about 2 tablespoons per person.
- Pick your spices. Pumpkin pie spice, vanilla extract, cinnamon, peppermint extract, butter extract, caramel extract. Just a dash will work.
- Ice. The more you use, the thicker the consistency.
Here’s how to blend the perfect shake!
- Pour into a quality blender. Otherwise you’ll be chewing leaf stems.
- Blend on low 30-60 seconds, then on medium 30-60 seconds, then on high 30- seconds.
- Enjoy!